Fat Injection Cosmetic Surgery.

Hey guys, I'm new here with this report on health. Fat injection or graft has wide applications in cosmetic surgery. The fat is injected into the areas for improvement in the volume produces safe, durable and natural appearing results as the volume is replaced in the tissues where fat is decreased. Fat grafts usually involves collecting fat from one part of the body, washing and purification, and the care re-injected with needles designed especially in areas that require increased. The procedure can be repeated several times to achieve the desired result.

The swelling that normally occurs after injection of fat, usually goes away within 2 to 3 weeks. The degree of swelling depends on the injection site.

Am I a candidate for fat injection procedure?

Patients who benefit from fat grafting are the desire to increase or to pad the volume-deficient areas. The areas most commonly include grafted hands, face (including lips), and depressions in the contour of the skin such as those developed after liposuction and healing.

In general, patients are considered for the injection of fat are in good health. If you have a history of bleeding or abnormal swelling of a procedure should inform your surgeon. A smoking history should be shared with your surgeon. The anatomy of each patient and vary the proportions, and the decision to use fat injection techniques depends on the objectives of the patient and surgeon.

Fat injection techniques procedure.

All patients who desire the fat injection procedure requires a thorough evaluation before the procedure. This may take several visits to the surgeon before the operation. A complete history and physical examination will be held before the procedure. The surgeon may take photographs before the procedure, informed consent was obtained, and your skin may be marked. Local anesthesia ('Twilight') or general can be used, depending on the preference of your surgeon.

The fat is extracted by a special suction tube using sterile technique. Once you get enough fat from the donor site, which is then purified. This often requires the use of a centrifuge which rotates the fat and impurities removed. The fat is placed in areas that require increased. The injection needle is usually passed in and out of areas to be increased several times. This creates a "network" fat graft. The areas that were injected can be massaged by the surgeon to create a desired shape. Dressing then can be placed.

To close this report I can say it is important to see your doctor before surgery fat injection.


Lower Body Lift Surgery Part. 3

Recovery Process in the lower body lift surgery.

Surgical drains are inserted to remove fluid that collects inside the incisions. The amount of fluid is measured to the patient on a daily basis. Once the fluid production is low enough for the elimination of fluid in an outpatient setting. Drains generally tend to remain in place two or three weeks, but can be left longer.

It may be necessary to remove the sutures in the closure of the incision. This occurs about two weeks after surgery, and this is also done in a clinic as an outpatient treatment. To control the swelling may be placed in the patient compression garments or clothing also can also be used to support suspended tissue, flattening the skin and leave it smooth. The placement may occur at the time of surgery, or later, at the surgeon's.

The activity is determined by the progress of the healing of the incision. Patients should be encouraged to walk a day after the surgery. Once the drains are removed, the movement is much easier.

As a patient you would be admitted to the hospital after surgery. You can stay a couple of days to learn the care of your drains and feel comfortable to move and walk. Once you are a little more comfortable would be discharged with oral pain medications. In general, the resumption of normal activities can produce four to six weeks after surgery.

Lower Body Lift Surgery Risks / Complications / Patient Safety.

  • The Seromas (ie, fluid accumulation under the skin) may require the use of drains.
  • There may be a delayed healing of small gaps in the closure of the incisions in areas of high stress and strain.
  • Numbness in the areas adjacent to the incision.
  • Slight asymmetries can occur despite efforts to balance the skin and remove fat.
  • The bleeding can lead to bruising, but usually do not require transfusions.

Blood clots to the lungs (pulmonary embolism) are not very common. Sequential compression devices (SCD) in the calves during surgery has significantly reduced the effect on body contouring procedures.

The duration of the operation may be six hours or more for the body lift. Care is taken to carefully prepare the patient for surgery. Medical conditions are treated before the operation to ensure patient safety for the duration of such.

By Mily.