Lower Body Lift Surgery Part. 1

Lower body lift surgery is to tighten loose skin and falls buttocks, hips, thighs, posterior thighs, outer thighs and above. Incisions that go from the back around the hips to the front of the thighs. The loose skin and excess fat is removed below the incision to allow the suspension of the remaining tissue and thus be able to lift and smooth the bottom of the body, especially thighs and buttocks. Surgery begins in the back and requires a repositioning during the operation for the process to the hips, outer thighs and the front of the thighs. If you have performed a tummy tuck above (tummy tuck) or not needed, the lower body lift can be extended to tighten the inner thighs.

The cuts are made so that they are concealed by clothing or retained common anatomical folds. Layered suture techniques are used to carefully close the incision site to maintain the intention consent and smooth the skin remaining.

The swelling, which is usually after body lift surgery, is controlled by compression garments and drains, which are sterile collection tubes used to drain excess fluid. Visits should be checked every week to help achieve optimal results and may make adjustments based on the visible progress that varies with each patient. The full recovery of the circumferential incisions may take four weeks or more.

Who is a candidate for surgery lower body lift?

Patients who benefit mostly from the reduction in body lift surgery are those with:

  • Loose skin on their hips and lateral thighs.
  • Loose skin on the front of your thighs.
  • Acceptance of the scars of the incisions around the waist.
  • Loose skin on his buttocks and back of the thighs.
  • Excess abdominal skin or inside of the thighs.
  • Patients who have undergone massive weight loss.
  • Relatively thin layers of fat under the skin of these areas.

The anatomy of each patient and proportions of loose skin vary according to each individual. The decision made the lower body lift surgery depends on what you want, and an examination by your surgeon. This will help determine if the lower body lift can achieve a satisfactory outcome for you.

By Mily

1 comment:

  1. I’ve wanted the surgery for years, but always found reasons not to have the surgery. When I found out I needed the hysterectomy, I figured now or never for the Body Lift . Thanks!
