Fat Injection Cosmetic Surgery.

Hey guys, I'm new here with this report on health. Fat injection or graft has wide applications in cosmetic surgery. The fat is injected into the areas for improvement in the volume produces safe, durable and natural appearing results as the volume is replaced in the tissues where fat is decreased. Fat grafts usually involves collecting fat from one part of the body, washing and purification, and the care re-injected with needles designed especially in areas that require increased. The procedure can be repeated several times to achieve the desired result.

The swelling that normally occurs after injection of fat, usually goes away within 2 to 3 weeks. The degree of swelling depends on the injection site.

Am I a candidate for fat injection procedure?

Patients who benefit from fat grafting are the desire to increase or to pad the volume-deficient areas. The areas most commonly include grafted hands, face (including lips), and depressions in the contour of the skin such as those developed after liposuction and healing.

In general, patients are considered for the injection of fat are in good health. If you have a history of bleeding or abnormal swelling of a procedure should inform your surgeon. A smoking history should be shared with your surgeon. The anatomy of each patient and vary the proportions, and the decision to use fat injection techniques depends on the objectives of the patient and surgeon.

Fat injection techniques procedure.

All patients who desire the fat injection procedure requires a thorough evaluation before the procedure. This may take several visits to the surgeon before the operation. A complete history and physical examination will be held before the procedure. The surgeon may take photographs before the procedure, informed consent was obtained, and your skin may be marked. Local anesthesia ('Twilight') or general can be used, depending on the preference of your surgeon.

The fat is extracted by a special suction tube using sterile technique. Once you get enough fat from the donor site, which is then purified. This often requires the use of a centrifuge which rotates the fat and impurities removed. The fat is placed in areas that require increased. The injection needle is usually passed in and out of areas to be increased several times. This creates a "network" fat graft. The areas that were injected can be massaged by the surgeon to create a desired shape. Dressing then can be placed.

To close this report I can say it is important to see your doctor before surgery fat injection.


Lower Body Lift Surgery Part. 3

Recovery Process in the lower body lift surgery.

Surgical drains are inserted to remove fluid that collects inside the incisions. The amount of fluid is measured to the patient on a daily basis. Once the fluid production is low enough for the elimination of fluid in an outpatient setting. Drains generally tend to remain in place two or three weeks, but can be left longer.

It may be necessary to remove the sutures in the closure of the incision. This occurs about two weeks after surgery, and this is also done in a clinic as an outpatient treatment. To control the swelling may be placed in the patient compression garments or clothing also can also be used to support suspended tissue, flattening the skin and leave it smooth. The placement may occur at the time of surgery, or later, at the surgeon's.

The activity is determined by the progress of the healing of the incision. Patients should be encouraged to walk a day after the surgery. Once the drains are removed, the movement is much easier.

As a patient you would be admitted to the hospital after surgery. You can stay a couple of days to learn the care of your drains and feel comfortable to move and walk. Once you are a little more comfortable would be discharged with oral pain medications. In general, the resumption of normal activities can produce four to six weeks after surgery.

Lower Body Lift Surgery Risks / Complications / Patient Safety.

  • The Seromas (ie, fluid accumulation under the skin) may require the use of drains.
  • There may be a delayed healing of small gaps in the closure of the incisions in areas of high stress and strain.
  • Numbness in the areas adjacent to the incision.
  • Slight asymmetries can occur despite efforts to balance the skin and remove fat.
  • The bleeding can lead to bruising, but usually do not require transfusions.

Blood clots to the lungs (pulmonary embolism) are not very common. Sequential compression devices (SCD) in the calves during surgery has significantly reduced the effect on body contouring procedures.

The duration of the operation may be six hours or more for the body lift. Care is taken to carefully prepare the patient for surgery. Medical conditions are treated before the operation to ensure patient safety for the duration of such.

By Mily.

Silicone Or Saline Breast Implants: What Is The Best Choice?

Breast implants is one of the most performed cosmetic surgery. During the past year over 600,000 women conducted this operation. When deciding to undergo this surgery is obviously to be taken into account various factors. These factors place where it will perform the operation, the surgeon, the size of implants and, finally, if the option is available, whether to choose silicone implants or saline.

Consider more closely the final choice and first we will concentrate on the pros and cons of silicone breast implants. One of the advantages of silicone implants is the degree of overall aesthetic achieved. These implants feel and look more natural than a saline solution. It is also less likely to see wrinkles and curly and they are less likely to suffer the effects of gravity down. The disadvantages of silicone implants mainly include: the relatively high cost, size of the scar and security. Normally the cost of silicone implants is about $ 1.000. Also, the scar is bigger because the silicone implants should be preloaded. It is also believed that the probability of rupture, particularly the silent rupture is higher than for saline implants. Silicone breast implants usually are recommended for women who do not have too much soft tissue.

Saline implants have the advantage over silicone have a lower rate of capsular contracture and therefore require less revision surgery. Moreover, because saline implants are usually inflated in place, produce a smaller scar and more options for how to include insertion through the armpit, navel, below the chest or outside of the areola. As for security, silent rupture and therefore the need for regular MRI, not a problem, because when a leak of saline, this absorbed by the surrounding tissue and immediately alert the person, plus Breast size is significantly reduced. The fundamental disadvantage of saline implants is that they tend to look less natural, more rounded, are more rigid, especially in younger women. On the other hand are more likely to scroll down and feel heavier than silicone implants.

When considering this type of surgery, where the cost is very important, All in a number of women are looking outside their own countries to reduce costs. When looking at a cost of surgery, in some major countries that cater to medical tourists, such as India, Hungary, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, they can pay less than half compared with prices in Most developed countries.

By Mily.

Lower Body Lift Surgery Part. 2

Technical standard procedures of the lower body lift surgery.

Techniques the lower body lift surgery tightens the buttocks to the back of the thighs and hips outer thighs. The loose skin below the incision is removed. The rest of the skin on the buttocks and thighs is pulled upward, and the skin is repaired, suspending the tissue and tightened. This requires placing the patient face down or sideways during the procedure. The closure of the incision is made in several layers to control the stretching and inflammation.

When the back and sides of the patient were completed, the patient is treated placed her back in front. There are two options available. These options should be discussed before the operation and are chosen based on their choice. One option is to combine the lower body lift to the abdominal contour, also known as tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). The other option is the combination of lower body lift with an inner thigh lift, if the abdomen requires no boundary, or if the patient has had previous abdominoplasty.

These techniques use the removal of the skin, to tighten the loose, sagging tissue. You can add the removal of the layer of fat under the skin to reduce the filling into the bottom of the body.

Candidates for body lift surgery have excess skin that must be removed by the procedure. This operation is different from liposuction, liposuction because it only removes the fat through small incisions, but does not remove the skin. However, you can perform a combination of liposuction techniques soft body lift and contour of the separate areas of the effects of the division of body lift. Again, a thorough discussion and review are essential to the determination of a complete surgical plan.

Other considerations of Lower Body Lift Surgery.

Because the narrowing of the trade reaches the bottom of the body through the removal of loose connective tissue (skin and fat), lifting the lower body should be performed when the patient is as close to their desired body weight or ideal as possible. If, for example, the patient is adjusting your lower body and then loses weight, the skin loosens and tightens be dropped. By contrast, the postoperative weight gain or stretch the skin has hardened or undo the improvements in body lift.

To be the bottom of the body is lifted and suspended by closing the skin, excess weight in the thighs and buttocks at the time of surgery can prevent long-term effect. In such cases, weight loss may be recommended before procedures lifting bodies. If this is not feasible, liposuction may be an option for slimming the thighs and buttocks before attempting to lift the body of division. These operations usually require 5.8 hours of operation when done in a single session. The process takes time away from work. Monitoring is recommended after surgery.

Benefits, Advantages and Options of the lower body lift surgery.

Corrected in one operation multiple areas (buttocks, thighs, abdomen, possibly).

Lower spreads tighten on the back, side and front of thighs than other procedures circumferential excision.

Can be combined with breast surgery or arm contouring procedures.

It can be combined with liposuction located.

By Mily

Lower Body Lift Surgery Part. 1

Lower body lift surgery is to tighten loose skin and falls buttocks, hips, thighs, posterior thighs, outer thighs and above. Incisions that go from the back around the hips to the front of the thighs. The loose skin and excess fat is removed below the incision to allow the suspension of the remaining tissue and thus be able to lift and smooth the bottom of the body, especially thighs and buttocks. Surgery begins in the back and requires a repositioning during the operation for the process to the hips, outer thighs and the front of the thighs. If you have performed a tummy tuck above (tummy tuck) or not needed, the lower body lift can be extended to tighten the inner thighs.

The cuts are made so that they are concealed by clothing or retained common anatomical folds. Layered suture techniques are used to carefully close the incision site to maintain the intention consent and smooth the skin remaining.

The swelling, which is usually after body lift surgery, is controlled by compression garments and drains, which are sterile collection tubes used to drain excess fluid. Visits should be checked every week to help achieve optimal results and may make adjustments based on the visible progress that varies with each patient. The full recovery of the circumferential incisions may take four weeks or more.

Who is a candidate for surgery lower body lift?

Patients who benefit mostly from the reduction in body lift surgery are those with:

  • Loose skin on their hips and lateral thighs.
  • Loose skin on the front of your thighs.
  • Acceptance of the scars of the incisions around the waist.
  • Loose skin on his buttocks and back of the thighs.
  • Excess abdominal skin or inside of the thighs.
  • Patients who have undergone massive weight loss.
  • Relatively thin layers of fat under the skin of these areas.

The anatomy of each patient and proportions of loose skin vary according to each individual. The decision made the lower body lift surgery depends on what you want, and an examination by your surgeon. This will help determine if the lower body lift can achieve a satisfactory outcome for you.

By Mily

Liposuction (Lipoplasty) Part. 3

Liposuction Recovery

It is important to know that the time it takes for recovery varies greatly according to each person.

The first few days after the surgery, must rest hold. Po is usually recommended to keep lifted the upper body. Remember that you should not take anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and others. It is very likely to be using a special piece of clothing recommended by the physician. If too tight, you should immediately notify your surgeon.

In the first 48 hours after the surgery, you can have different degrees of swelling and bruising. Po inflammation usually lasts longer, the bruises usually disappear within seven to ten days. The stitches are usually removed one week after surgery.

Avoid straining, bending and lifting during the most recent postoperative period. In many cases, to resume most normal activities within a period of ten days or less.

Liposuction Costs

The price is an important consideration in elective surgery. Liposuction prices vary widely and often depend on the surgeon's experience and geographic location.

Costs have been divided into several components: the plastic surgeon's fees, logistics costs, anesthesia fees, medicines, surgical clothing, medical examinations.

Relationship with your plastic surgeon after liposuction.

You must return to your plastic surgeon's office for verification of their surgery in regular time intervals, when it evaluates your progress as a result of liposuction surgery.

Remember that your relationship with your plastic surgeon does not end when you leave the operating room. If you have questions or concerns during your recovery from liposuction surgery, or need additional information at a later time, you should consult your plastic surgeon.

By Mily

Liposuction (Lipoplasty) Part. 2

Understanding the risks of liposuction (lipoplasty).

Fortunately, liposuction surgery in major complications are rare. Liposuction is one of the most common surgeries performed by plastic surgeons. Very often, this surgery is performed without presenting any major problems.

Possible complications and risks of surgery is best discussed on a personal basis between you and your plastic surgeon or a staff member in your surgeon. Risks in most surgeries are almost always the same. Some of the potential complications that may be discussed include hematoma (an accumulation of blood under the skin that may require removal), infection, scarring, changes in sensation, allergic reactions, damage to underlying structures, need for revisions, results unsatisfactory medical procedures and risks. Other risks specific to liposuction can include cracks and irregularities.

You can minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your surgeon, both before and after liposuction.

Experience of liposuction (Preoperative Preparation and Recovery) Pre-Operative.

The goal of your plastic surgeon and staff is to make your surgical experience the easiest and comfortable as possible.

If you have the habit of smoking, smoking cessation is recommended long before surgery because smoking bring healing complications. Certain medications increase the risk of bleeding such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and some schemes vitamin / homeopathic remedies should be suspended prior to liposuction. Your surgeon will provide additional preoperative instructions.

Liposuction is commonly performed on an outpatient basis. If this is the case, arranged to have someone drive you home after surgery and stay with you for the next 24 hours. If you perform large volume liposuction may be suggested to be hospitalized, even for one night.

The day of the liposuction surgery.

Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. Frequently, local anesthesia and intravenous sedation is used for this surgery, although general anesthesia may be desirable in some cases. For safe operation, various monitors are used to check your heart, pulse, blood pressure and the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood.

When the surgery is complete, you will be taken to a recovery area where it will continue being monitored constantly. Most likely be wearing a compression chamber, usually used to help reduce swelling in the skin. Regarding postoperative pain, many patients report that the area feels sore, as if it had been subjected to hard work.

Most likely they will be allowed to return home after a short period of observation, although some patients may stay overnight in the hospital.

By Mily

Liposuction (Lipoplasty) Part. 1

Am I a good candidate for liposuction?

Any or a combination of the following conditions may indicate you are a good candidate for liposuction:

1. Fat deposits that are out of proportion with the rest of your body and does not disappear with diet and exercise - also called "resistant fat diet."

2. Areas with small amounts of excess skin (liposuction removes fat skin) and the elasticity of the skin in good condition.

Liposuction can be considered the treatment of areas with excess fat in the stomach, buttocks, hips, thighs, calves, ankles, breasts (including breast augmentation in men), back, arms and neck, Liposuction is equally effective in both men and women.

Liposuction results.

Liposuction Surgery usually improves the contours. In some cases, can be used to circumferentially in a thinning area. Since the healing process is gradual, you should wait at least several months to get an accurate picture of the results of their surgery. The small incisions used for access to the instrument called a cannula, will vanish in a few months and will usually barely visible.

The results of liposuction are usually long lasting, but because it may affect weight gain, pregnancy, aging, and lifestyle factors.

How do I evaluate my plastic surgeon for liposuction surgery?

During the initial consultation, you can look in a mirror and disclose exactly what they would like to see better and your body. Images can be made for you, especially if the areas to be addressed are in your back (back, buttocks, etc.) This will help your plastic surgeon to understand your expectations and determine whether they can really be achieved. The decision on the elasticity of the skin also should be taken in the first consultation.

Should be discussed with respect to their ideal weight and actual weight will likely be after the surgery. Future plans such as pregnancy, can be discussed.

You must go to the consultation prepared to discuss your medical history including previous surgeries, past and present medical conditions, allergies and current medications. It is important that you provide complete information. High blood pressure, thyroid problems, diabetes, etc. should be reviewed as these conditions may increase some risks associated with surgery.

How to perform liposuction surgery?

The basic technique of liposuction involves the removal of fat through a metal tube (cannula) is passed through the fatty tissue. One of the most common type of liposuction is the aspiration of fat by means of a vacuum pump. This is known as suction-assisted liposuction (SAL). In addition, an engine can be used in the tube that causes it to move from side to side and making the most of the work of liposuction, this procedure is known as power assisted liposuction (PAL). An ultrasound generator can produce sound waves above the audible frequency "breaks" the fat cells and is excreted in the SAL. The laser can also be used to break down fat cells. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. These methods will be discussed with you at the time of the query. Furthermore, the above techniques can be combined to produce optimal results. A decision regarding the proper technique is carried out preferably by the plastic surgeon.

By Mily.

Butt augmentation: plastic surgery

Like breast augmentation, there is buttock augmentation by plastic surgery. With the growing popularity of the buttocks with the Derrien Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez gutleo mega, many women do not want their tails were left behind. Plastic surgery offers a solution to women who have a small back or limp. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, plastic surgeons have adapted to conventional techniques and are developing new programs to meet the wish of patients to have the most firm, large and round buttocks.

Plastic surgeons are some procedures to enhance the buttocks. Among them are:

Fat transfer.

A tried and true procedure that is now being used to improve the contours of the buttocks, is an injection of autologous fat. It is extracted fat grafting of a body part to add volume to another. Usually, the fat comes from the abdomen, hips, thighs or back. Fat cells are removed through lipoplasty (liposuction), and then injected into "layers" in the buttocks. This operation is relatively simple and since fat is your own body, the body does not reject its own fat. The disadvantages of this technique are that the new body absorbs fat, therefore, is difficult to know how much body fat that is absorbed and what the final size. Multiple procedures are needed to obtain the desired size. The rendered fat can be stored for future procedures.

Butt Implants

Like breast implants, butt implants are to increase the size or the right way. This procedure is not used to correct the bottom falls. The implants are made of silicon. The procedure is often performed by making an incision in the crease between the buttocks "cheeks" and inserting solid silicone implant in the bag below the gluteus maximus and above the pelvic bone. Implants do not move.The procedure takes about an hour and a half and used general anesthesia.

Advantages of plastic surgery butt implants:

On the positive side of this procedure will give a precise form and size. Cons As with all implants in the body can reject them. Also may have all the problems associated with implants.

Some doctors prefer not to perform this procedure because they believe that implants are unnatural results. The back can be very difficult to play, so even if you do not have scars, your partner may realize that your ass is not natural. The recovery time is long and can be problematic. As a doctor Jan Adams from the TV show "Plastic Surgery - Before and After," he said, "Do not walk with your breasts." But you will be using the back to walk, sit and sleep. Dr. Adams was referring to the fact that butt implants are some unique challenges to heal during the recovery period. For example, you can not sleep on your back or sitting for long periods of time, and can do all the recovery process a little difficult for most women.

As with most of the implants, is a lifelong commitment. You have to maintain a stable weight and may need to change the implants after 10 years. Pregnancy can affect the original results. This is a plastic surgery procedure and as such, may have the usual complications such as bleeding, infections, etc. How much do butt implants? Depending on where you live it can cost from $ 3,000 to $ 10,000. About $ 4,500 is more common. According to ASAPS statistics, 2004, more than 2,100 Americans had buttock augmentation procedures. There were nearly 11.9 million surgical and nonsurgical procedures performed, up 465% over 1997.

By Mily.

Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery involves techniques aimed at "improving" the appearance through surgical and medical techniques, and relates particularly to maintaining normal appearance, restoring, or to increase beyond the average level toward some aesthetic ideal.

In 2006, approximately 11 million cosmetic surgeries were performed in USA. The number of cosmetic procedures performed in the United States has grown 50 percent since the beginning of the century. Nearly 12 million cosmetic surgeries were performed in 2007, the five most common cosmetic surgeries are breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery and abdominoplasty. The increased use of cosmetic procedures across racial and ethnic lines in USA, with increases observed among African Americans and Hispanic Americans and white Americans.

Europe is the second largest market for cosmetic procedures, cosmetic surgery is a $ 2.2 billion deolares.

Cosmetic procedures / cosmetics more frequently include:

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck): remodeling and reaffirmation of the abdomen Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery): the refurbishment of the eyelids or the application of permanent outlined, including blepharoplasty Asia. Mammoplasty: breast augmentation (breast implants): The breast augmentation through fat grafting, saline implants or silicone gel. Reduction mammoplasty (breast reduction) is the removal of skin and glandular tissue, is made to reduce back pain and shoulder in women with gigantomastia and / or psychological benefit for men with gynecomastia.

Mastopexy (breast lift) lifting or reshaping of breasts to make them less drooping, often after weight loss (after a pregnancy, for example). This is to remove the breast skin compared with buttock augmentation glandular tissue (implant ass ): the improvement of the buttocks with silicone implants or fat grafting (Brazilian butt lift) and the transfer of other areas of the buttock lift of the body, lifting and tightening the buttocks by the removal of redundant skin chemical peel: to minimize the appearance of acne, chickenpox and other scars and wrinkles (depending on the concentration and the type of agent used, except for deep furrows), solar lentigines (age spots, freckles) and sun damage in general. Chemical peels commonly involve carbolic acid (Phenol), trichloroacetic acid (TCA), glycolic acid (AHA) or salicylic acid (BHA) as the active agent.

Labiaplasty: Surgical reduction and reshaping of the lower lips enhancement: improved surgical lips fullness through enlargement of rhinoplasty (nose surgery), nose reshaping, otoplasty (ear surgery) : the reshaping of the ear, most often done by setting the head near the ear Rhytidectomy (face lift ): removal of wrinkles and signs of aging face Browplasty ( brow lift or forehead lift ): raise eyebrows, forehead skin smooth midface lift (cheek lift): narrowing of the suction-assisted lipectomy cheeks ( liposuction ): the elimination of fat increasing body of Chin (chin implants): the increase in the chin with an implant, usually silicone, sliding genioplasty of the jawbone or suturing of soft tissue augmentation cheek (cheek implant): the cheek implants filler injections, collagen, fat and other tissue filler injections such as hyaluronic acid laser skin.

By Mily

Breast Implant: definition

A breast implant is a prosthesis used to alter the size and shape of the breasts of a woman (this surgery is known as breast augmentation mammoplasty, breast augmentation or breast enlargement) for cosmetic reasons, to reconstruct the breastor breast (eg after a mastectomy or to correct congenital deformities of the rib cage), or due to other reasons such as sex reassignment from male to female. Breast implants are a device used in cosmetic and reconstructive procedures related to the male chest wall. A breast tissue expander is a temporary breast implant used in stages for breast reconstruction procedures. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation is the most common cosmetic surgical procedure performed in the United States. According to data compiled by the American Society of Plastic Surgery, in 2007, 307,230 breast augmentation surgeries were performed in the U.S., a decrease of 12 percent compared with the previous year. This decrease is related to the financial problems of a struggling economy. Despite the reduction, breast augmentation surgeries were held as the first cosmetic surgery performed in the U.S.

There are two main types of breast implants: saline implants and silicone implants, implants. Saline implants have a silicone elastomer shell filled with sterile saline liquid. Silicone implants have a silicone shell filled with a viscous silicone gel.
Breast implants are used primarily to:

  • Primary reconstruction (to replace breast tissue that was removed due to cancer or trauma or that has failed to develop properly due to a severe breast abnormality such as tuberous breast deformity.)
  • Revision reconstruction (revision surgery to correct or improve the result of original breast reconstruction surgery).
  • Primary augmentation (to increase breast size for cosmetic reasons).
  • Revision-augmentation (revision surgery to correct or improve the result of an original breast augmentation surgery).
By Mily

Reconstructive Surgery: Short Review

Reconstructive plastic surgery is done to correct functional impairments caused by traumatic injuries, burns, broken facial bones, birth defects, developmental abnormalities, infections, diseases and cancers or tumors. Reconstructive plastic surgery is usually performed to improve function, but can also be done to approximate a normal appearance.

The most common reconstructive plastic surgery are the removal of tumors, scar repair, laceration repair, hand surgery and breast reduction or breast. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the number of reconstructive breast reductions for women in 2007 increased 2 percent over the previous year. Breast reduction in men in 2007 also increased 7 percent. Other surgical procedures are also common reconstructive breast reconstruction after mastectomy, cleft lip, cleft palate, contracture surgery for burn survivors, and the creation of new external ear when congenitally absent.

Plastic surgeons using microsurgical tissue transfer in the coverage of a defect when no tissue is available. The ex of skin, muscle, bone, fat, or a combination of these can be eliminated from the body, they can move to another site in the body, and can be reconnected to a blood supply by suturing arteries and veins as small that they can be 1 to 2 mm in diameter.

By Mily

Plastic Surgery : a short review

Plastic surgery is a medical specialty that is responsible for correcting or restoring form and function of any organ. While famous for aesthetic surgery, plastic surgery also includes many types of reconstructive surgery such as hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns. The word "plastic" is due to plastikos Greek meaning to mold or shape, its use is not related to the polymer material known as plastic.

The techniques of reconstructive surgery were carried out in India in 2000 BC. Sushruta, the father of surgery, he made important contributions to the field of plastic surgery and cataract in the sixth century BC. The medical works of both Sushruta were translated into Arabic during the Abbasid Caliphate in 750 AD. These Arabic works came to Europe via intermediaries. In Italy the Branca family of Sicily and Gaspare Tagliacozzi (Bologna) became familiar with the techniques of Sushruta.

British physicians traveled to India to see the work done by methods of rhinoplasty. Reports in rhinoplasty in India were published in major journals from 1794. Constantine Joséph Carpue spent 20 years in India studying methods applied there. Carpue was able to perform the first major surgery in the Western world in 1815. Instruments described in the Sushruta Samhita were further modified in the Western world.

By Mily