Liposuction (Lipoplasty) Part. 2

Understanding the risks of liposuction (lipoplasty).

Fortunately, liposuction surgery in major complications are rare. Liposuction is one of the most common surgeries performed by plastic surgeons. Very often, this surgery is performed without presenting any major problems.

Possible complications and risks of surgery is best discussed on a personal basis between you and your plastic surgeon or a staff member in your surgeon. Risks in most surgeries are almost always the same. Some of the potential complications that may be discussed include hematoma (an accumulation of blood under the skin that may require removal), infection, scarring, changes in sensation, allergic reactions, damage to underlying structures, need for revisions, results unsatisfactory medical procedures and risks. Other risks specific to liposuction can include cracks and irregularities.

You can minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your surgeon, both before and after liposuction.

Experience of liposuction (Preoperative Preparation and Recovery) Pre-Operative.

The goal of your plastic surgeon and staff is to make your surgical experience the easiest and comfortable as possible.

If you have the habit of smoking, smoking cessation is recommended long before surgery because smoking bring healing complications. Certain medications increase the risk of bleeding such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and some schemes vitamin / homeopathic remedies should be suspended prior to liposuction. Your surgeon will provide additional preoperative instructions.

Liposuction is commonly performed on an outpatient basis. If this is the case, arranged to have someone drive you home after surgery and stay with you for the next 24 hours. If you perform large volume liposuction may be suggested to be hospitalized, even for one night.

The day of the liposuction surgery.

Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. Frequently, local anesthesia and intravenous sedation is used for this surgery, although general anesthesia may be desirable in some cases. For safe operation, various monitors are used to check your heart, pulse, blood pressure and the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood.

When the surgery is complete, you will be taken to a recovery area where it will continue being monitored constantly. Most likely be wearing a compression chamber, usually used to help reduce swelling in the skin. Regarding postoperative pain, many patients report that the area feels sore, as if it had been subjected to hard work.

Most likely they will be allowed to return home after a short period of observation, although some patients may stay overnight in the hospital.

By Mily

Liposuction (Lipoplasty) Part. 1

Am I a good candidate for liposuction?

Any or a combination of the following conditions may indicate you are a good candidate for liposuction:

1. Fat deposits that are out of proportion with the rest of your body and does not disappear with diet and exercise - also called "resistant fat diet."

2. Areas with small amounts of excess skin (liposuction removes fat skin) and the elasticity of the skin in good condition.

Liposuction can be considered the treatment of areas with excess fat in the stomach, buttocks, hips, thighs, calves, ankles, breasts (including breast augmentation in men), back, arms and neck, Liposuction is equally effective in both men and women.

Liposuction results.

Liposuction Surgery usually improves the contours. In some cases, can be used to circumferentially in a thinning area. Since the healing process is gradual, you should wait at least several months to get an accurate picture of the results of their surgery. The small incisions used for access to the instrument called a cannula, will vanish in a few months and will usually barely visible.

The results of liposuction are usually long lasting, but because it may affect weight gain, pregnancy, aging, and lifestyle factors.

How do I evaluate my plastic surgeon for liposuction surgery?

During the initial consultation, you can look in a mirror and disclose exactly what they would like to see better and your body. Images can be made for you, especially if the areas to be addressed are in your back (back, buttocks, etc.) This will help your plastic surgeon to understand your expectations and determine whether they can really be achieved. The decision on the elasticity of the skin also should be taken in the first consultation.

Should be discussed with respect to their ideal weight and actual weight will likely be after the surgery. Future plans such as pregnancy, can be discussed.

You must go to the consultation prepared to discuss your medical history including previous surgeries, past and present medical conditions, allergies and current medications. It is important that you provide complete information. High blood pressure, thyroid problems, diabetes, etc. should be reviewed as these conditions may increase some risks associated with surgery.

How to perform liposuction surgery?

The basic technique of liposuction involves the removal of fat through a metal tube (cannula) is passed through the fatty tissue. One of the most common type of liposuction is the aspiration of fat by means of a vacuum pump. This is known as suction-assisted liposuction (SAL). In addition, an engine can be used in the tube that causes it to move from side to side and making the most of the work of liposuction, this procedure is known as power assisted liposuction (PAL). An ultrasound generator can produce sound waves above the audible frequency "breaks" the fat cells and is excreted in the SAL. The laser can also be used to break down fat cells. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. These methods will be discussed with you at the time of the query. Furthermore, the above techniques can be combined to produce optimal results. A decision regarding the proper technique is carried out preferably by the plastic surgeon.

By Mily.

Butt augmentation: plastic surgery

Like breast augmentation, there is buttock augmentation by plastic surgery. With the growing popularity of the buttocks with the Derrien Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez gutleo mega, many women do not want their tails were left behind. Plastic surgery offers a solution to women who have a small back or limp. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, plastic surgeons have adapted to conventional techniques and are developing new programs to meet the wish of patients to have the most firm, large and round buttocks.

Plastic surgeons are some procedures to enhance the buttocks. Among them are:

Fat transfer.

A tried and true procedure that is now being used to improve the contours of the buttocks, is an injection of autologous fat. It is extracted fat grafting of a body part to add volume to another. Usually, the fat comes from the abdomen, hips, thighs or back. Fat cells are removed through lipoplasty (liposuction), and then injected into "layers" in the buttocks. This operation is relatively simple and since fat is your own body, the body does not reject its own fat. The disadvantages of this technique are that the new body absorbs fat, therefore, is difficult to know how much body fat that is absorbed and what the final size. Multiple procedures are needed to obtain the desired size. The rendered fat can be stored for future procedures.

Butt Implants

Like breast implants, butt implants are to increase the size or the right way. This procedure is not used to correct the bottom falls. The implants are made of silicon. The procedure is often performed by making an incision in the crease between the buttocks "cheeks" and inserting solid silicone implant in the bag below the gluteus maximus and above the pelvic bone. Implants do not move.The procedure takes about an hour and a half and used general anesthesia.

Advantages of plastic surgery butt implants:

On the positive side of this procedure will give a precise form and size. Cons As with all implants in the body can reject them. Also may have all the problems associated with implants.

Some doctors prefer not to perform this procedure because they believe that implants are unnatural results. The back can be very difficult to play, so even if you do not have scars, your partner may realize that your ass is not natural. The recovery time is long and can be problematic. As a doctor Jan Adams from the TV show "Plastic Surgery - Before and After," he said, "Do not walk with your breasts." But you will be using the back to walk, sit and sleep. Dr. Adams was referring to the fact that butt implants are some unique challenges to heal during the recovery period. For example, you can not sleep on your back or sitting for long periods of time, and can do all the recovery process a little difficult for most women.

As with most of the implants, is a lifelong commitment. You have to maintain a stable weight and may need to change the implants after 10 years. Pregnancy can affect the original results. This is a plastic surgery procedure and as such, may have the usual complications such as bleeding, infections, etc. How much do butt implants? Depending on where you live it can cost from $ 3,000 to $ 10,000. About $ 4,500 is more common. According to ASAPS statistics, 2004, more than 2,100 Americans had buttock augmentation procedures. There were nearly 11.9 million surgical and nonsurgical procedures performed, up 465% over 1997.

By Mily.